Portland Kung Fu Academy

MY5 Sifu Dave Bearce

Portland Kung Fu in Maine was founded by Moy Tung MY5 Sifu David Bearce. He began his training in Burlington, Vermont under Sifu David Clay and continues to train with his Sifu in Boston, MA. Bearce is a member of Grandmaster Moy Tung’s MY5 association for inner circle grandstudents. Sifu Bearce has travelled and trained extensively with his SitaiGung, in Richmond, Virginia, and at workshops around the country. To this day Sifu Bearce maintains his vigorous training program to further develop his kung fu.

Portland Kung Fu Location Info

Portland Kung Fu in Maine is in the downtown area on High St, with East End and Bayside nearby. Stroudwater, Nasons Corner, North Deering and Knightsville and South Portland are just a mile or two away, with Scarborough, Windham, Falmouth and Gotham also relatively close.

Sifu Dave Bearce teaches the Ving Tsun (wing chun) system the same way he learned it, passing it down unchanged. As a martial art, Ving Tsun is great for self-defense, and develops good health and physical/mental fitness with relaxed but hard full body workouts.

Ving Tsun is mind-body exercise that takes discipline and builds character, and the Kung Fu workouts develop practical skills for fighting in self-defense. Ving Tsun training builds relaxed energy from deep breathing, and powerful horse stances. Students learn to stand strong on the feet, blocking and hitting at the same time with hands or feet.

The school is on the second floor, with multiple training chambers. For those on advanced Ving Tsun training, the school has Muk Yan Jong Wooden Dummy’s and Luk Dim Boon Kwan poles.

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142 High St Suite, #211

Portland, ME 04101