Learning how to fight is healthy; it makes you capable of defending yourself.
We offer education in Ving Tsun (wing chun) Kung Fu, a system of self-defense that works on the street, in real life. Learning how to fight is healthy; it makes you capable of defending yourself.
This kind of training increases the power of your mental and physical discipline. It's something that keeps you fit in every way. This is what martial arts training is all about. This is the program that we have.

MTAA Store Launch
An online store has been added to the Moy Tung Athletic Association (MTAA) website: kungfuhq.com/mtaa-store.
Two videos are available now - more coming soon, plus T-shirts and other merchandise.

New features at MTAA site KungFuHQ.com
KungFuHQ.com has been updated with a number of new features. This is the website of the Moy Tung Athletic Association for branch schools and inner circle (MY3, MY4, MY5) members in Grandmaster Moy Tung’s Ving Tsun (Wing Chun) Kung Fu lineage. We will continue to add new content and make edits to these new site sections, which include a new Home page; Events and Press Archives; Video and photo galleries; an About section with info on the Ving Tsun (Wing Chun) Kung Fu system; the Lineage; and the MTAA.