2000: Moy Yat Biu Gee Certification Seminar at the Richmond Academy
Grandmaster Moy Yat officially retired in 1998, but continued to work and hang out with his SSA and GSS students. In 2000, in what would be his last seminar, he chose to do a Biu Gee Certification Seminar at the Richmond Moy Yat Kung Fu Academy. The Academy was founded by Moy Yat SSA disciple Anthony Moy Tung Dandridge in 1986, and Grandmaster Moy Yat had been regularly giving seminars there ever since.
At the 2000 Richmond seminar, nine Ving Tsun Kung Fu students in Grandmaster Moy Tung’s lineage were certified in Biu Gee. The great Grandmaster Moy Yat delivered his last public remarks on Ving Tsun Kung Fu, passing not long afterward, on January 23, 2001.
At his 2000 RVA Seminar, Grandmaster Moy Yat began speaking to his grandstudents and the world with the following statements, with SSA Sifu Kevin Martin assisting:
Bil Gee, in our system, means you've attained the rank of a Sifu. If you're up to Bil Gee, you represent the style. And you represent your school. And you represent your Sifu. And also you represent yourself as a Sifu.
What does ‘Sifu’ mean? It means you can’t make any mistakes. If you make mistakes with your Kung Fu, then there’s no excuse, because you’re a Sifu already.
A Sifu is a teacher. So, before you’re up to that level, you really have to work hard, if you want to get the certificate. And then, later on, you teach Kung Fu. At least, you have a paper like this. Otherwise, you’re disqualified to be a teacher.
And if you want to use the Moy Yat Kung Fu name for your school, if you don’t have a certificate of Bil Gee, you’re disqualified.
The video of this historic event is available exclusively from Mui Fa Supply Co, on DVD or by streaming video
Moy Yat SSA disciple Anthony Moy Tung Dandridge introduces Grandmaster Moy Yat at the 2000 Richmond Biu Gee Seminar
2000 Richmond Biu Gee Seminar: Grandmaster Moy Yat Moy Yat introduced by his SSA disciple Anthony Moy Tung Dandridge
Grandmaster Moy Yat presenting at his last seminar, the 2000 Biu Gee Seminar at Richmond Academy. With SSA Kevin Martin & Anthony Moy Tung Dandridge
Group photo, 2000 Moy Biu Gee Seminar in Richmond, Va
Grandmaster Moy Yat, center, with SSA Sifus Moy Tung (L) & Kevin Martin (R). Back row: Moy Tung-lineage Sifus certified by Moy Yat at the RVA 2000 Bil Gee seminar
Happy Moy Yat Kung Fu students displaying their art by Moy Go Yan, which was Ving Tsun Grandmaster Moy Yat’s artist name.
Another view of Grandmaster Moy Yat, with SSA Sifus Moy Tung & Kevin Martin, and the group of Sifus certified by Moy Yat at the 2000 Biu Gee Seminar.
Grandmaster Moy Yat signing Biu Gee certificates at his last seminar, in Richmond, 2000. Video screenshot: MuiFaSupplyCo.com