MTAA Events Archive

1988: Moy Yat Seminar in Richmond, Va: ‘Wrong Bong Sao, Use Kick.’
Grandmaster Moy Yat visited Richmond, Virginia many times for seminars hosted by his SSA disciple, then-Sifu Anthony Moy Tung, now a Grandmaster himself. At this workshop, Moy Yat generously shared the ‘Wrong Bong Sao, use kick’ maxim from the Ving Tsun (wing chun) Kung Fu Kuen Kuit.
In this context, Moy Yat also recalled how he and his training partners learned the technique from Yip Man, footage that was later used in the Moy Yat video, “Yip Man.”

1987: Moy Yat Seminar in Richmond: Countering Throat-Grabs
This seminar was Grandmaster Moy Yat’s fourth seminar in Richmond, Va. In 2007, twenty years later, Grandmaster Moy Tung sent copies of the below photo to his inner circle students and grandstudents (MY3 & MY4), as a gift for the holidays, with the accompanying note.