2019: Milwaukee Moy Tung Workshop

In 2016 MY3 Sifu Tim Lee opened the doors of the Waukesha Moy Yat Kung Fu school in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. For the third anniversary, Sifu Lee hosted his Sifu, Grandmaster Moy Tung, for a long-weekend seminar of Ving Tsun (wing chun) Kung Fu martial arts training and instruction.

Grandmaster Moy Tung with MY3 Sifu Tim Lee of the Waukesha Moy Yat Kung Fu school

Grandmaster Moy Tung workshop in Wauskesha, Milwaukee, WI, 2019, Video 1

Grandmaster Moy Tung workshop in Wauskesha, Milwaukee, WI, 2019, Video 1


2020: Richmond Moy Yat Kung Fu Anniversary


2019: Kung Fu Portland 5-Year Anniversary